Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Sweetgrass and RM of Lakeland Events

Two big events recently! On June 21, we went out to Sweetgrass First Nation to do some results reporting on their Source Water Protection Plan. They have made excellent progress, and are well on their way to awesome water! Their water treatment plant is running well, and they've identified the few problems they have left to solve.

Also, the RM of Lakeland had an event to discuss the impacts our activities have to lakes. Fisheries and Oceans Canada was on hand to speak about the ways we can minimize the damage we do to lakes. Gord Vaadeland was also on hand to present some of the ways we promote to minimize impacts. This event, held at Christopher Lake, showcases the interest this Rural Municipality has in protecting our water.

Kudos to both the RM of Lakeland and Sweetgrass First Nation for their efforts to protect our water. More updates are coming soon, so stay tuned for more!

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